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The Post 214 General Membership meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month. Dinner is served at 6:00PM, followed by our guest speaker and then a short business meeting. There are no General Membership meetings in December.
Please call, text or email Tony Sherbert at 864-430-4899 or ra9ces@msn.com to confirm your attendance, so that he can insure there is enough food for all.
Post 214 has their Executive Committee Business Meetings on the Monday preceding the Tuesday General Membership meeting; also beginning at 6:00PM.
All meetings are held at the Post located at:
3110 Wade Hampton Blvd.
Taylors, SC 29687
For any other information, please contact our Adjutant, Tony Dunn, at 864-979-9867 or tonydunnpost214@gmail.com