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Our History

The American Legion, Department of South Carolina, Post 214 was established on July 4th, 2015, with approximately 18 members to better serve the needs of our local veterans and the community area of Taylors, SC. Since its founding, Post 214 membership has grown to over 160 members.
We welcome all veterans to visit our Post. The Post and the Museum are open each Saturday and Sunday afternoon and our monthly meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 6:00PM in support of the four pillars of the American Legion:
1) Veterans
2) Defense
3) Americanism
4) Youth
We meet at the Post, located at 3110 Wade Hampton Blvd. Taylors, SC 29687
For more information, please contact the Post 214 Adjutant Tony Dunn at 864-979-9867 or tonydunnpost214@gmail.com.
You may also call and leave a voicemail on the Post phone at 864-565-5601; someone will return your call.